Quick Start
This package is still under development! Be careful while using it!
1. Installation
Run the following command inside your infrastructure repository.
npm install @kovi-soft/cdk-alchemy-webhooks
You can use any other node package manager
2. Setup
Include AddressActivityInitializer
into your Infrastructure code and start using.
import { AddressActivityInitializer } from "@kovi-soft/cdk-alchemy-webhooks";
export class AddressActivityStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: {}) {
super(scope, id, props);
new AddressActivityInitializer(this, "AddressActivityExample", {
alchemyApiKey: "<your-alchemy-api-key>",
alchemyNetwork: "eth-mainnet",
alchemyAuthToken: "<your-alchemy-auth-token>",
alchemyWebhookDestinationUrl: "https://my-domain.com/destination-to-my-server",
alchemyContractAddress: "0x026224A2940bFE258D0dbE947919B62fE321F042"
3. Execute
Run the following command
cdk deploy AddressActivityStack
This may vary based on your project setup