Discord Poster
Allows you to set up middleware between Alchemy Webhooks and Discord Webhooks. It gives you the ability to fully customize your Discord Bot Notification Messages with help of Mustache templates.
import { DiscordPosterConstruct } from "@kovi-soft/cdk-alchemy-integrator";
const discordPoster = new DiscordPosterConstruct(this, "DiscordPosterExample", {
alchemySigningKey: "<your-alchemy-signing-key>",
discordWebhookUsername: "Crazy Alchy Bot",
discordWebhookUrl: "<discord-webhook-url>",
discordMustacheTemplate: "<your-mustache-template>"
Instead of original {{param}}
mustache template we will use <% param %>
This is because template is stored in SSM (adapters will be proved later on)
which does not support {}
Check the examples package on Github for more information